UNL has a women's and gender studies program that I hear is very solid. They also offer a minor in human rights. Out of state tuition is still lower than Union's rates (as long as I lived off UNL's campus), but it'd be even more appealing if I could figure out a way to gain residency. Apparently you have to live in Nebraska for 12 months (and not be here for higher education).
"Majors can pursue 2 routes. Option A requires 36 hours. Option B requires 30 hours plus 18 hours in a related minor to be determined in consultation with a WGS advisor."
Assuming all of my general education credits transfer, I would need to take 48 credits to graduate. If I took 16 credits each semester, I could graduate in three semesters--that's one semester longer than I planned at being at Union. For some reason, I envisioned starting the four-year journey from the very beginning if I transferred (which is one of the reasons why I've readily dismissed it in the past). If it only takes one semester more, is cheaper than Union, is in an atmosphere I find stimulating, and I'm meeting people who are more like-minded (or at least open minded), excited and engaged in each course, and ending with a major that let's me make a significant difference--what's holding me back?
My mind isn't made up on going, but it is definitely made up on pursing this option. I need more information. And I need to stop looking this stuff up and go to bed.
ReplyDeleteHannah, while I don't regret my time at Union because it made me who I am, I do OFTEN regret not having had the opportunities that are available at UNL. When I hear my friends talk about the classes they take, the discussions they have, the papers they write, the books they read (for school!), the activities they are involved in... I am SO jealous.
I think Union definitely has a place. I think for someone who was raised in the Adventist community and plans to remain there, Union is the BEST possible option.
But if you're not going to be heavily immersed in the Adventist community after graduation (maybe even if you are), UNL has so many opportunities. Even knowing you as little as I do, I believe you would love it. I think you would find your mind so much more stimulated. I think you would learn and blossom and grow SO much more than you ever could at Union.
And I think you'd have a whole hell of a lot more fun!
Seriously, if you want to talk with someone about it, I have a couple of friends you should chat with. I know at least one girl who graduated with a WGS degree, and another who is an English/art major and who is gay and very involved in the lgbtq community (plus he's just really nice and easy to talk to). I think I just sent you an invitation to be a fan of "Schy's Pies" and Schy is the girl who graduated with WGS.
Union is good. It has its place. It got me where I am. Who knows if I would be the same person without it? Likely not. I defintely wouldn't have found my latin lover! ;) But UNL... UNL is a whole 'nother world. A bigger one. Please give it a good think-over. I'll chat with you about it if you like!
And I can help you find a place to live if you want too!
So what would you even do with this degree??