Soon I'm going to start posting a picture a day of something that makes me smile in a separate picture blog. I came up with the idea yesterday, and promised Todd I would send him a picture of something that made me happy. He sent me a picture (which made me want to chant
go KU! or something like that), but I didn't live up to my end of the bargain. I planned to send two pictures today to make up for it, but ended up taking more than that. I was coming back from lunch in the caf, and couldn't help but play outside. In an hour, I'm going down to the Haymarket for a field trip with my Conflict and Peacemaking class. I have a feeling more pictures will be taken :-)
This is Kelly. She's a beautiful soul, fantastic friend, talented co-worker and editor of Campus Conversations. I caught her as she was making the rounds around campus to distribute CC.
The sight of a someone lying, perfectly warm,
in a hammock three feet from melting snow
made me happy.

I felt like a creeper, but
decided to walk up
and ask if I could
take some pictures.
Luckily it turned out to be my friend Jordan, so it wasn't too weird.
Campus in spring, I hope this isn't just a tease. I want the rest of the snow to disappear so I can start taking naps on (non-muddy) flourishing grass.

This bicycle drowning in snow doesn't make me smile. Knowing spring will melt away its icy prison soon does :-) Plus, it looks like a rad old bike.
"That's What Makes Them Pirates!" advertising. My favorite is the pi and rate signs drawn on a different sidewalk.
That bike is my old bike named "La Migra". When I went to Argentina some else took ownership. I don't know who owns it now. I've always wanted to know.