13 April 2009

Chop, chop, chop

It's so funny how society automatically links (non/conforming to) gender roles with sexual orientation. The three (gender role, gender identity, sexual orientation) are all completely different and unique entities--they do not correlate.

I cut my hair on Saturday, and now sport a fauxhawk/betty boop head (depending on styling). Within 24 hours, I had a girl ask for my number and a friend ask "Hannah, do you like girls or boys more?"

It made me laugh. A lot.
Okay, I'm still sort of chuckling.

1 comment:

  1. Well, actually they do and the more traditional is the society the stronger is the correlation (of course, the definitions of these entities vary greatly in different societies). But, luckily, this correlation never becomes a function:).

    But, yes, this is amusing and I'm chuckling with you.
    But, (un)surprisingly, this might be not equally funny for some other people, being abused on account of their sex/gender/orintation/whatever right in this moment:(

    But we've got no definition for sex or race, have we:)?

    Thanks, it was a relief to read your post; sometimes I was thinking I was the only persone in this World with such thoughts:)

    Take care, Oleg
