22 September 2009

Tell me your story (or at least leave some words at the door)

I was creeping on my friend Michael's list of blogs he follows, and fell across Write In My Journal.

"I approach people who look interesting – like they have a story to tell – and ask them if they, knowing they’ll most likely never see me again, will write in my journal.

They’re free to write whatever they want. I may give them a prompt to start but ultimately it’s up to them.

There are so many people out there with such diverse backgrounds and perspectives! It’s absolutely fascinating to me. Have you ever looked at a person and thought, “I wonder what their story is? How did they get to where they are? What are their dreams?” I do. All the time. (Is that weird?) This is my chance to get to know some of them, even if it’s just a glimpse, and share their stories that would otherwise go untold."

It's fascinating. I wish I could do that here in Lincoln, but don't want to be an idea thief.

1 comment:

  1. Same reason I didn't want to at first! But I might anyway. I'd def. credit the blog, though.
