26 February 2010

(Tidbits) From 55 Ways to Get More Energy [Zen Habits]

Work with your body’s clock.
 There is a natural ebb and flow of energy throughout the day. We start off sluggish after waking up, even after a solid 8 hours of sleep. Our energy peaks mid-morning, and it’s natural to want a siesta in the afternoon. We get a second spike of energy in the early evening, followed by our lowest energy point just before bedtime. Once you understand this natural rhythm of energy throughout the day, you can work on the important tasks during your peak hours and avoid early afternoon snoozefests (meetings).

Enjoy a cup of tea.
In a recent study, University College London researchers noted that drinking a cup of tea 4-6 time a day reduces stress hormone levels in your body. The study’s results suggest “drinking black tea may speed up our recovery from the daily stresses in life.”

Turn off the Internet and go socialize with friends. Humans are social animals, and we need regular socializing to keep ourselves in peak health and energy.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, no wonder I have no energy lately ...

    I had no concept of the body's natural cycle, I rarely drink tea, and I haven't been socializing lately.

    This is interesting stuff : ) ... thanks for sharing!
