You're so ironic that it's ironic, and I can't tell whether or not that should be the opposite of a complement. I wish dada-surrealism existed outside of literature books, I wish passion existed outside of dreams. But it's all so rather cliche, and typing those words--about lack of creativity, passion, vision, adventure (I'm sure someone would whisper metametameta)--seals the deal. Yeah Yeah Yeah's have one up from Yia Yia's, and everyone thinks they're so cool--whoever they are. And who doesn't want to be cool? Outside is so hothothot with nobody able to match the sunshine's rayrayray radiance--so we all develop body shame with fears yelling I object. object. object. objectify. Let's not care that bodies are simply soulhouses and exploit the fact that souls are simply housing insecurities. I need some insurance, but the companies have already invested in my demise. And people say that I have such pretty eyes, like it's a great accomplishment. Like it matters. Because it does. not to you. never to you. always to me, this self-self-self (and) patternpanicked brain. And I'll never make sense, because this currency is so overated-outdated. I will not bind my feet bindmymind, and by my freedom am I bound? I read and read and read about it, let's all just talk about. Let's all just do something about it. And anti-consumerism is just way too cool, and being kind to the earth is just so in--so let's not do it anymore. Counter counterculture-ism, the new fantastic. And letting it be is a great escape from hollywood...i mean, it's just too hollywood. everything is too this and too that, and I don't understand the math--what's it four? Peace is War. Nonconformity is conformity. One of these is true. One of these is fuckingimportant (to fight with education against). And who cares whatwhatwhat anybody likes and does and is high shallow or hal(low)? Youcaretheycareicare but of course we're not the same. We are never the same. Theythem us. It's not like we spin on the same blue dot or anything--it's not like we're feeling the same blue emotions or anything. clichehowironiclet'slaughatthembeingironiclet'sseehowcoolwearefornotbeingcoolandstayingmainstreamornotstayingmainstream or just another stream of thoughts that no body is thinking (it's all about the brain).
I'm sick of the world (but never, never the universe) doing to do, not doing to not do -- forgetshit. let's just see whats helpful or hurtful. trend. no trend. that's what she said took over from your mom in being the trend. let's all become sociologists let's all care about society let's all care about human beings let's all be an all.
Edit: It all just clicked. (Restorative) justice compass > everything else.
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