02 January 2010

A bite of 2009.

1. What did you do in 2009 that you’d never done before?
Became addicted to cigarettes. Came out as gay. Went to Michfest. Lived in Lincoln. Partied with traveling poets. Listened to Jazz in June. Became a slam poet. Increased my gauges to 4g. Dated a woman. Stayed vegan. Became Buddhist.Visited carhenge. Climbed a dinosaur made out of car parts.

2. Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
A couple years ago I made a new years resolution not to make any more new years resolutions. So far, I've kept it :-)

3. What would you like to have in 2010 that you lacked in 2009?
More travel, adventure and new faces. I'd love to go backpacking through Europe, but even a trip in the States would work. I really want to try hitchhiking and not die.

4. What dates from 2009 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
The first week of August: MichFest. It felt like I was finally home.
July 4th: Interesting Adventures to Omaha zoo.
When Obama became president.

5. What was your biggest achievement of the year?
I got 28 issues of the ClockTower out by May. That was sort of exciting. 
My grades this semester were the best they've ever been.
I think the biggest achievement though, has been my new views and understanding of life.
Also, my shift toward more introspection and independence from friends/lovers/etc.

6. What was your biggest failure?

Not communicating sufficiently/efficiently with Rulo.
My grades (I still should have done better).
There were a lot of things that I learned from this year that I wouldn't call failures.

7. Did you suffer illness or injury?
I don't think I did. Nothing serious, anyway. I crashed my bike and my toenail went wonky.

8. What was the best thing you bought?

I'd say my bicycle, but that was free.
Maybe tickets to the Box and Bourbon.

9. Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed?
Those who hate. Those who injure. Those who don't think. Those who are ignorant. Those who are uninspired and uncreative.

I feel like all of the above should have said "whom." I suck at the whole words-thing.

10. Where did most of your money go?

Rent. Cigs. [Misc.] Clothes. House Decor. Union College. Michfest.

11. What did you get really excited about?
Michfest. School starting. Girls. Learning guitar (even if that didn't work out so well). Performing. TOMSshoes. Kate the Great and Miss Megan. Porch parties. Tony. Alanna. Chelsi. [Misc.] Break. This ring I wish I owned. Women and Minority Writers. Finishing Institutional Development. Rhetoric. Stimulating conversations. Life.


  1. wow. 2009 was an interesting year for you.
    if you dont mind me asking how did your family react to you coming out? if that's too personal just tell me to shut up. :)

  2. Haha, it's not too personal :-) My parents found out two days before Thanksgiving of '08, and I came out to the rest of the world (at least facebook, you know) in '09.

    My parents didn't take it well at all at first. They sat me down and proceeded to beat me over the head with Bible verses. My mom cried, screamed and said all sorts of awful, awful things. It was the worst 24-hour period of my life, and I've had a lot of terrible days.

    They, at least my mom, seemed to finally start coming around. She said something a long the lines that even though she might not understand or agree with my orientation, all that matters is that she loves me and won't let it affect our relationship.

    A few months later I started dating my first official girlfriend Chelsi, and she freaked out again. It was a hard time for her, though, as her best friend had just died. She sent me Exodus (the ex-gay movement) material, and told me she had been in denial before--that she thought I'd just end up with a guy eventually. I think dating Chelsi made it more real for her.

    Now she seems back to being able to explore other perspectives, and doesn't seem to mind (or at least visibly negatively respond) when I mention Chelsi.

    It's all sort of a roller coaster.

    The rest of my family seem fine, but we haven't talked much about it. Sorry this was so long!
