25 January 2009

The Million You Never Made*

Today I did nothing. Woke up late, ate at Grateful Bread, went to Open Harvest, spent too much time sitting at Meadowlark with Sierra.

It was lovely... and terrible. You can tell it's almost February, my not-new-year-resolutions are waning. I'm starting to suck at life again. I have so much due tomorrow/this week. Case statement, reading guides, article for work, article for Lifeglow, CT stuff, graphic arts stuff, student missionary package 1. I haven't been using my schedule book. I don't know if that was my first step down into mayhem, or MLK day weekend.

No more fun for me, I'm putting on my business face. But nothing is so wonderful, beautiful and spirits-lifting. Why can't I keep nothing and still get everything accomplished? If only I could multi task laziness and productivity.

*Ani DiFranco song title

1 comment:

  1. What if "laziness" is just a construct of the Western mind? Walking among tress, having a brew in the sunshine among strangers, just breathing in and out -these are times when the soul is most creative.

    At least that's my excuse.
